
Craft of Gods to be Launched on May 6th 0 Размещено: 1. Sep 2012 Добавил Bill


Kalicanthus Entertainment announced that Craft of Gods will be launched on May 6th (TBC). Craft of Gods, which ended its 3rd open beta on April 6th, is a 3D MMORPG, based on Slavic mythology. The world characters live in is called Akvilon, it is a huge world with 25 different maps. There are many wonderful places to discover, many enemies to fight and an infinite number of things to do.


In Akvilon, there are forests, deserts, desolate steppes, magical ancient forests, frozen icy plains, where the cold can even freeze your very thoughts. There are hundreds of different monsters and more than 70 unique creatures, including the legendary Serpent, fiery Dragons, and the slimy Kikimora.



·  This is the first MMORPG that unites on the same server people who love PvP and PvE: you can choose your race, and play it any way you like.

·  This is a huge world with 25 different maps.

·  You can ride any animal: are you tired of your horse? Not a problem – get yourself a bear!

·  There are no classes, only skills: each player can choose from 14 schools of skills, every one of which contatns 15 powers – there are 210 different skills, and this time you are completely free to choose any set you like.

·  You can become a Demigod: show your abilities in battle with your enemies, and gods will grant you a place at their right hand!

·  There are 8 craft schools: "Craft of Gods" world is not only about battles.



There are six races in the "Craft of Gods" world. Two of those races, and some humans follow Svarog, and the other two races and the rest of humans – the Black Snake. The races hate each other and battle for the world domination. However, one of the six races is neutral – they are not interested in the battle between Avi and Navi.


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